Research Themes and Advisors

Research Themes and Advisors
Pedagogical and sociocultural aspects of sports
- Investigates the pedagogical and sociocultural dimensions involved in the development process of athletes, trainers and consumers’ sports career.


Cristiano Roque Antunes Barreira - [email protected]

Márcio Pereira Morato - [email protected]

Marco Antonio Bettine de Almeida[email protected]

Myrian Nunomura - [email protected]

Rafael Pombo Menezes [email protected]

Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques - [email protected]


Biodynamical aspects of physical activity and sports
- Investigates the effects of human beings and animal models’ movement on physiological, metabolic, molecular and neuromotor aspects in the context of Physical Activity and performance.

Adelino Sanchez Ramos da Silva - [email protected]

André Pereira dos Santos[email protected]

Átila Alexandre Trapé - [email protected]

Camila de Moraes - [email protected]

Carlos Roberto Bueno Júnior  - [email protected]

Cleiton Augusto Libardi[email protected]

Dalmo Roberto Lopes Machado - [email protected]

Ellen Cristini de Freitas - [email protected]

Enrico Fuini Puggina - [email protected]

Hugo Tourinho Filho - [email protected]

Marcelo Papoti - [email protected]

Matheus Maia Pacheco[email protected]

Matheus Machado Gomes - [email protected]

Renato de Moraes [email protected] 

Tiago Rezende Figueira - [email protected]